this weekend

This weekend was my first Women's Retreat. we (ashley, tracy and i) travelled out to camp tejas and spend friday night, saturday and sunday with some amazing godly women. the theme was "bloom where you're planted" which turned out to be just perfect for where the Lord has brought me this semester & is taking me for the future. This weekend was so refreshing, to just be able to sit back, soak up good fellowship, learn about vulnerablity and be quiet with the Lord was a blessing. Time and time again the Lord showed me how all of the women struggle, their lives arent any easier if they are empty nesters, single, divorced, widowed, mothers of teenagers or preschoolers, which every stage of life-these women had incredible faith and joy in the midst of their trials. Most precious out of all of them was Alice. Alice Nelson is 84 years old and is kickin' like shes 50! She, no lie, had just gotten back from a mission trip to West Africa working with orphans. Funnystory: we (the young'uns) were eatting dinner saturday and miss nelson comes up and says "Ladies, I just had a 2.5 hr nap, any one want to challenge me in a footrace?"-hysterical!

Today was the 1st Annual Central Baptist Talent Show/Icecream Social-it was a HUGE was so neat to see our beautiful church body fellowshipping and supporting each other. Mad props to Tracy and the Service team who did a great job putting it together...Winners were the 10th Grade boys & their lip sync/dance routine to a JUMP 5 song ("spinning around" i think)-i was almost on the floor I was laughing so hard. Almost as funny was Club 7-Matt Brown, Michael Williams, Chris Hiesy & Ryan Wayson, flowin' Christian stlye-all ghettoed out as only 4 white boys can be....

thats it, if you want to hear more about the women's retreat, ask me, id love to tell you about it!
grace & peace, lish


  1. Anonymous said...

    yippee for getting mentioned in your blog and yay for the talent show - the one thing you didn't mention was the fact that Camp Tejas was also home to our four years ago selves :)