
so earlier this summer i made the leap up from my A&M leather 5 yr old wallet, to a fancy pants, quasi pricy adult wallet complete with a place for a checkbook.

then i bought expensive sunglasses that came with a warranty and a special case...definitely a step up from "sheek" Target brand. initial steps into adultness

later in the summer came the letter that said despite my enrollment in school, i would no longer be covered under my parents health insurance, but i was more than welcome to take out a plan on my own with Scott & White.

Then began the search for "other options"..aka time to be for real about being an adult..cause 25 was coming soon!

so I applied for 2 jobs.

by August 10th, I was hired by Family Link, a private Christian foster/adoptive agency based out of Austin. Its contract work, i mainly am responsible for conducting Home Study Interviews for potential families in the process of getting licensed to foster or adopt kids from CPS.

Then, August 13th , I received a call for a interview with Big Brothers Big Sisters in College Station...THIS was the job i really wanted. my first real adult job complete with an interview, benefits, great starting salary, etc. so we prayed. drove to Austin. the interview went fine, i was pleased with how everything went..i mean it was my first real life interview..i even went and bought "business professional" like clothes..because when in the past 2 years have i needed them? yeah, i havent :o) at the end of the interview they told me I would hear a yes or no by the 31st, but hopefully before.

August 24th was my last day of work. There has been no mistaking the Lord's hand in all this. I finished and submitted my invoice to Family Link to get paid for my first home study on Monday. Because officially this week..i was technically unemployed.

AND THEN, yesterday I received a phone call that went something like this

"Alisha, we would like to thank you for applying with us at Big Brothers Big Sisters and we would like to hire you for the Match Support Specialist in College Station..."

I'm so excited. I start Friday.

Praise the Lord.
Thank you Jesus.
Answered prayer.

And HE gets all the glory for this process.
Man..all of this is good and full of HIS affirmation and hand working in my life and many others who have been praying and trusting and I can't help but give a shout out to my amazing roommate Valerie, who with her big heart and desire to see good things for me, sacrificially served to get me into adulthood from job searching for me while i couldn't to driving me to Austin.

The next week is gonna be super busy..with balancing this new job, trips to Austin and school.

there ya go..25 will be here in 10 days! and i think i'm ready to be an adult :o)

Well, friends.

I was given our first assignment for my online marketing class..introduce yourself to the class.

so i put the basic, where i did my undergrad..what i'm pursuing in grad school...hobbies, career plans, where im from & current residence..., i just received an email from my prof...and he's an Aggie, class of '85!

i love being an aggie :)

thanks & gig'em,


back to school

this semester, my back-to-schoolness has been really strange...cause it's been not normal. no new student orientations, no meet & greets, no on-campus jobs...its kinda sad, i'm missing my classmates and the beauiful fall campus at ECU...but on the bright side,

its hopefully my last semester...thats right folks, i will have my master's degree in 4 months-CRAZYFACE!

so my online marketing class at ECU starts tomorrow, as long as my financial aid comes through..pray that the people at Wellsfargo get my paperwork processed quickly.

confessions: i was extremely non-productive on my field experience portfolio, meaning its now crunchtime, meaning, ideally i want to get them in before mid-terms in October!

I have a week til classes begin at TAMU, i'm a little nervous, bigger school so that might mean tougher classes..who knows?!? i've got Policy in Higher Education Administration and Development of the Spanish Language, should be fun.

thats about it...the job situation is still kinda up in the air. my prayer is that the Lord's will be done...more on that later..cause i just realized i never posted about my first REAL job interview in Austin with Big Brothers Big Sisters...more on that later.

happy schooling,

alisha i just had to share this coolness.

My job this summer at the daycare has been a little more stressful than i imagined. The flexibility of my hours and inconsistency of tasks really threw my attitude, habits & mental stability out of whack. I've been praying long and hard about what to do come the school year, because i have to work & I want to do well in school and I just didn't know what i was suppose to do.

So, after some more prayer. I called up the bus barn-and they could hire me back. Good news. so then i have the issue of the daycare? I sit down with my boss & well, there had been a lot of miscommunication and so i needed to pray and figure out where the Lord wanted me. I know the Lord wants glory in my grades, He wants me to spend time with Him, He wants me to not worry and be stressed out and last honor my financial responsibilities.

More prayer. His answer was to not do the daycare and I would trust that He would provide because with only driving those yella-dogs, i would be on an pretty tight budget. Then came 3 openings: 2 part-time & one full time. I submitted my resume. now the waiting.

Today I gave my official resignation at work. It went better than I couldve asked! (thanks for the prayers mom!). still nervous, because I'm still waiting, right?

And then, heres the cool part: 2 hours later, I had a phone interview with the Christian foster/adoption agency i applied with & I'm hired-headed to Austin tomorrow and Friday for training and hopefully starting home visits Monday! While I can't depend on this job as steady income, (its technically "contracted"), I will be able to breath easier every month. PLUS, I'm really excited about getting to be part of meeting needs and giving precious children loving homes! Man, I'm definitely excited about this ministry because ever since i can remember, i've always wanted to be a foster/adoptive parent..but what an opportunity this is: to be there first hand!

okay. thats it, back to cooking some dinner!

grace & peace, lish

so this weekend was a wonderfully fun reunion...
Ms. Ashley Rodenberger is now Mrs. Ashley Pagenkof...yes is was a lateral name change :o)

Our little gang slumbered it up together in William's two bed/one bath apartment in Irving for the festivities in was definitely a fiesta!
7 people & one shower definitely equals tardiness

Justin..Hannah's fiance received his stamp of approval from us ladies.

I don't know how *;)* but we seemed to be the rowdy table at the Rehearsal was great having everyone together..catching up, reminescing & joking around, stuffing our faces with queso, tortillas & fajitas at Pappasitos

Micah and Hannah played & sung beautifully at the ceremony
Eric & Will were the best, most hansomest ushers in salmon.
Amy, Kayla & I strutted our stuff in the House Party...making sure not to fan our Japanese props :o)
And Ashley was a beautiful bride.
At the reception we danced the night away with the fabulous DJ stylings of Clayton the end of the night our hair was up and make-up sweated off..and the cake was amazing..i think the best wedding cake i've sampled!

with us all growing up, being in the adult seems our only chances of getting together are weddings..luckily, we have another one coming up in December..and with Amy catching the bouquet, who knows?!

ok, so i've a working number.

yea-my number didnt you can still reach me at the same number!

i have my doubts about the life of my "new" (old & falling apart) phone, but for right now, it will have to suffice...duct tape & all. really i'm not complaining...on friday they told me i would have to pay full retail price (meaning about around $120-200) to have a working number & now I reactivated my line for free.

but, I wouldnt be opposed if you (or anyone you know) has a cingular phone that they aren't using & would like to donate to me, that will last for another 2 years...send it my way :o) i would be so thankful.

and again..if you havent sent me your digits...shoot me an email or facebook msg !