back to school

this semester, my back-to-schoolness has been really strange...cause it's been not normal. no new student orientations, no meet & greets, no on-campus jobs...its kinda sad, i'm missing my classmates and the beauiful fall campus at ECU...but on the bright side,

its hopefully my last semester...thats right folks, i will have my master's degree in 4 months-CRAZYFACE!

so my online marketing class at ECU starts tomorrow, as long as my financial aid comes through..pray that the people at Wellsfargo get my paperwork processed quickly.

confessions: i was extremely non-productive on my field experience portfolio, meaning its now crunchtime, meaning, ideally i want to get them in before mid-terms in October!

I have a week til classes begin at TAMU, i'm a little nervous, bigger school so that might mean tougher classes..who knows?!? i've got Policy in Higher Education Administration and Development of the Spanish Language, should be fun.

thats about it...the job situation is still kinda up in the air. my prayer is that the Lord's will be done...more on that later..cause i just realized i never posted about my first REAL job interview in Austin with Big Brothers Big Sisters...more on that later.

happy schooling,
