so i have this site meter on my i can see how frequently and sometimes who is actually keeping up with my blog and well, i feel bad because lately, or this past week, many have visited but theres really nothing blogworthy to post about-unless you guys want me bouncing my research off of you for feedback, and well, i wouldn't wish that upon anyone...granted, my topics are interesting: the development of cross-cultural education for my communications class and how education has been globalized and its implications for the future for my global issues class.

the next three weeks are going to be insane for me...getting these 2 15 page papers written on top of all the readings and notes i still have to do for my classes & i still have a midterm essay & another paper to write!! goal is to get everything done right before thanksgiving, turn everything in when i get back and then im home free til the12th when its back to TX for the next 3 weeks...whoop!

in another news,
my "boss" has returned, so its back to the GA room with little to keep me occupied.
ive started making christmas presents....cant tell you what they are or it would ruin the surprise for those of you that read this and get presents from me.
fall weather is quite beautiful here, the trees at snail's pace are changing but the temperature is almost perfect...

anyways, thats all for now...for all you regular blog can slow down on mine :)

grace & peace,