ok, so i've a working number.

yea-my number didnt change..so you can still reach me at the same number!

i have my doubts about the life of my "new" (old & falling apart) phone, but for right now, it will have to suffice...duct tape & all. really i'm not complaining...on friday they told me i would have to pay full retail price (meaning about around $120-200) to have a working number & now I reactivated my line for free.

but, I wouldnt be opposed if you (or anyone you know) has a cingular phone that they aren't using & would like to donate to me, that will last for another 2 years...send it my way :o) i would be so thankful.

and again..if you havent sent me your digits...shoot me an email or facebook msg !


  1. Valerie said...

    dont we love two year contracts.