so earlier this summer i made the leap up from my A&M leather 5 yr old wallet, to a fancy pants, quasi pricy adult wallet complete with a place for a checkbook.
then i bought expensive sunglasses that came with a warranty and a special case...definitely a step up from "sheek" Target brand. initial steps into adultness
later in the summer came the letter that said despite my enrollment in school, i would no longer be covered under my parents health insurance, but i was more than welcome to take out a plan on my own with Scott & White.
Then began the search for "other options"..aka time to be for real about being an adult..cause 25 was coming soon!
so I applied for 2 jobs.
by August 10th, I was hired by Family Link, a private Christian foster/adoptive agency based out of Austin. Its contract work, i mainly am responsible for conducting Home Study Interviews for potential families in the process of getting licensed to foster or adopt kids from CPS.
Then, August 13th , I received a call for a interview with Big Brothers Big Sisters in College Station...THIS was the job i really wanted. my first real adult job complete with an interview, benefits, great starting salary, etc. so we prayed. drove to Austin. the interview went fine, i was pleased with how everything went..i mean it was my first real life interview..i even went and bought "business professional" like clothes..because when in the past 2 years have i needed them? yeah, i havent :o) at the end of the interview they told me I would hear a yes or no by the 31st, but hopefully before.
August 24th was my last day of work. There has been no mistaking the Lord's hand in all this. I finished and submitted my invoice to Family Link to get paid for my first home study on Monday. Because officially this week..i was technically unemployed.
AND THEN, yesterday I received a phone call that went something like this
"Alisha, we would like to thank you for applying with us at Big Brothers Big Sisters and we would like to hire you for the Match Support Specialist in College Station..."WHOOP.
I'm so excited. I start Friday.
Praise the Lord.
Thank you Jesus.
Answered prayer.
And HE gets all the glory for this process.
Man..all of this is good and full of HIS affirmation and hand working in my life and many others who have been praying and trusting and I can't help but give a shout out to my amazing roommate Valerie, who with her big heart and desire to see good things for me, sacrificially served to get me into adulthood from job searching for me while i couldn't to driving me to Austin.
The next week is gonna be super busy..with balancing this new job, trips to Austin and school.
there ya go..25 will be here in 10 days! and i think i'm ready to be an adult :o)
Congratulations Alisha!! What a great opportunity and blessing. You will be great
Praise the Lord for providing jobs just in time, just when you need them! Can't wait to hear all your 25 year old adventures.
yay adulthood ;)