alisha & donnie

12 hrs a day is way too long to be at a computer writing.

If i got paid for the hours ive logged...i could probaly take a cruise.

me & my laptop do not have a healthy relationship..

he does not bring out the best in me...he brings out the cranky-tired alisha.
but sometimes, he does bring out the smart paper grades have been pretty good this semester.

i do not get excited about spending time with Donnie the Dell...thats his name. I figured if we were going to be spending so much time together he at least should have a name...
usually our time together starts out as a staring war...and i lose & begin typing/writing

so, thats where i've been for the past week & where i'll be until april 19th when I turn in my final paper for the semester...after that i still have comps & final exams..but at least i wont have to spend most of my day typing away alternating between panera bread & the coffee shop.
happy writing to me.


  1. Valerie said...

    i took that picture last summer.

    anyways sometimes i think donnie is becoming your best friend that you hate.

    can't wait for you to get back to texas