summer is here

monday was the last day of school for our kids.
i was sad to see them go and even a little bit sad i dont get to be their assistant anymore, or the assistant in the fall...cause my favorite Oscar was a repeat (He isnt old enough to go to kindergarten so he gets to repeat head start).
tomorra is my last day as a substitute, and then the 31st i start as an official assistant for the prek ESL summer school class...and how fun is this?: i get to ride my bike to school, yeah, summer school is held at southwood valley elementary right by my house.

i register for classes next week..over the weekend i have to figure out my concentration-the electives that best help me persue my "career goals"..yeah have to figure those out too. its still pretty crazy to me that in 2 months im going to be moving across the country, going back to school.

i feel preparations for something big in my life coming, something that you could almost call radical. slowly, the Lord has been changing my perspecitve on a whole lot of a book i am reading refers to as a reformission. and even now, with my acceptacne to grad school that these "perspective" changes fall perfectly in with the changes that will come with being in north carolina...kinda giving me an arena to put my thoughts into a reality..not that i cant do that here in college station, tx, but like a im still being molded and taught, again, its all in His timing. There are still issues that i have to deal with in the here and now before i can fully be ready for the future of what He's calling me to, if that makes any sense at all.

[sidenote for valerie: thanks for the encouraging words tonight-especially the past about being friends..right back at ya..and im not saying back because you said it, but i feel the same way friend. you broke my phone record by the way and i cant wait to see you tomorra. be safe driving.]

so, tony comes in to town tonight for our baby sister's graduation on friday...its nuts, i feel really old..and im really excited about graduation for a special reason, but i have to keep it a secret until friday, but ill have pictures posted, no worries :)

thats all i got, nothing too terribly exciting.
24 season finale was quite the cliffhanger...i dont know if ill make it til january ;o) something tells me that jacks gonna survive..i mean didnt he sign on for another 3 seasons?

grace & peace,