okay..so i need to preface this with..i havent been in the habit of taking pictures, so unfortunately there is no documentation of all the fun i had this week.

Day 1 - Tuesday
arrive at IAH with my awesome new/ghetto fabulous 7.99 suitcase bought at goodwill and sewed up backpack because the jackson intl airport ate it at thanksgiving.
Tracy and Val were my escorts home to college station complete with signs including "italian hot mama", "blue baker express", and "welcome to the promise land prodigal daughter".
On arrival to CS we picked up my sister and headed to the Blue Baker...mmm
i wasnt feeling well after my flight so i stayed up until 10pm waiting on my parents to come home from their bible study christmas party..but i couldnt make it.

Day 2 - Wednesday
woke up and went running
then i showered and valerie came and picked me up to take me to see Mom at work.
After visiting with mom we went to lunch at Potbelly (my first time there and I enjoyed it)
Next was my dentsit date with my sister, then we met up at the movies to see The Holiday with Tracy, Didi and Valerie. Great flick.
I got a haircut after the movie and then rushed home to see my dad before him and mom headed off to the nursing home.
The rest of the night was dinner with some random aquaintances & fun with Val, Didi & her fellow graduate students celebrating the end of the semester.

Day 3 - Thursday
We (Val & I) slept in..bunk beds are really fun when sharing them with your best friend and then headed to Brenham to tour the Blue Bell Factory. After a delicious cup of icecream we visited my former stomping grounds and then headed back home for dinner with the 'rents.
After dinner we went to Tracy's for a bit and then got desert at chilli's (and it was yummy) and then headed back to the casa to hang out.

Day 4 - Friday
I got to hang out with Marla in the morning, had breakfast at blue baker and then chilled at the dorm with Val for a bit before heading to Houston.
after lunch & a shower I drove into Htown to see Micah and a couple of the Helena boys (Andrew & David). We ate at Johnny Carino's and then headed back to Andrews for 42..we had a great time.

Day 5 - Saturday
drove back to College station, grabbed lunch at mr. g's with Mom and Caley and then Val and I headed to Austin for a surprise..those plans fizzled out unfortunately, so we ate dinner on 6th street and browsed the REI, then headed back to CS to chill for the rest of the evening

Day 6 - Sunday
Today was a good rest day. We..or I should say Val didnt wake up in time for Central's service so we went to Living Hope at 11am and then ate lunch at wing's n more before she had to leave for jackson. after our tearful goodbye (not really...totally being silly) I worked on our families christmas puzzle for the afternoon. We to evening church and then got to hang out with one of my favorite gals Ms. Magan Porter..and that brings me to now.

Tomorra I'm headed back to houston to pick up my brother and then we're going to our grandpa's for the day for some fun..be looking for the pictures...

thats all.

peace & goodwill,

school is now officially over.
the mgmt test wasnt too bad & i got $130 bucks back for the textbks...which makes up for spending 3 hrs a week bored out of my mind in class for the past 12 weeks.

while this (completing this semester) isnt a huge accomplishment or grand feat, having a semester under my belt does make me feel a little more grown up. i think surviving through my next semester though will be the big test-managing 12 grad hrs (6 hrs in spanish!) and 25 GA hrs will be quite the task...

anyways, my plane leaves in 18.5 hrs.
i heart school & my 4 week break!

peace & goodwill,

so apparently i've become part of the game begun by Living Hope bloggers...The way it works is i'm suppose to share 5 things you dont know about me...which is a bit hard, because all of you know me very well, nor am i very "mysterious"...but i will try to come up with things that arent well known about me and then, I get to tag 5 more people who have to do the same...and thus the sharing never ends...so

1. when I was 2 years old, I was diagnosed with a small, mild form of cerebal palsy. Apparently, there is a spot on my brain the size of a pinhead that is dead, which caused me to not walk right. I had surgery, was in physical therapy and wore a brace until I was about 5. I remember it was not fun...especially having to wrap my huge cast in trashbags for bathtime. Miraculously, I surpassed all the drs. expectations and in the end my parents said enough to the drs, the Lord healed me, so I could be a "normal" kid again. So today, there are no symtoms..except when my body is really tired, and then only I am aware of them.

2. i love learning. being in grad school is a lot of fun for me. (yes, i've done my share of complaining about the work load) BUT i really do like learning new things. while my research papers were tedious, reading through all my articles was really insightful and interesting. i love gathering information...which probably contributes to my love for books. basically, im a closet nerd. i think i would be perfectly happy if I could go to school as a career...discussions, aquiring knowledge and reading, writing, critically thinking & anaylzing...

3. i would love to be in a band for a little while. You know-the staple girl singer?..thats what I want to do. i think it would be so fun...new places every night or so, concerts, bus rides, roadies, groupies.

4. I've never been kissed, yes like the movie, but in fact totally, 100% true. hopefully, by the Lord's gracious will, the one and only lips that will touch mine are going be the man I marry, whoever he is. i'm so thankful for the protection the Lord has placed over my heart throughout my life of singleness. its a wonderful gift I have to give from the Lord.

5. I love playing 42. I learned how to play at A&M, typical of most aggies. We'd play all the time, Micah carried them in his car. Tracy frustrating everyone with her designs & silly team names, table talk-good times. The strategy, competitiveness, risk, chance -a great game..we'd teach someone, just so we could have a 4th if we were short a person. Helena House rules, as they were known: no low except on force..really the only one we religiously followed. oh how i miss those nights.

okay..so now you know a little more about me. I tag valerie and ashley r (maybe they'll get back into blogging), micah james, william and sarah seefeldt

have fun!

grace & peace,


so last night we had an end of the yr party with all the kids in our program & neighbors & classmates.from left to right (front to back):
katy & tia...my two closest friends
carrie (who will be helping me with my spanish next semester), sjiyah (our sweet international student) Francesca (the host and "crazy" Italian) me, lu (a really cool international that was in one of our classes..we plan to hang out more next semester), alex (one of two guys in the program..you see he's quite out numbered) and andrea

it was a great night complete with homemade salsa, drinks, some free catering from a yummy local bakery/deli in town, and desserts galor!

last night we all realized just how much we really like each other and now are planning to be real friends next semester and get together more often.

all the people in my program are wonderful, quirky in their own ways, but truly we've got ourselves a stellar group!

grace & peace,

my papers are done...at total of 33 pages.

one submited by email..the other one is being dropped off tomorra.

saturday & sunday will be spent studying for mgmt.

im on a plane tuesday.

its cold here in greenville, the high is suppose to be 30 tomorra.

good night moon.

grace & peace,

i do not heart the city of greenville...

i got towed today.
granted i was not parked in a labeld spot, BUT there was no sign or indication that towing was enforced...and when i got to where my truck was suppose to be, there was another car there...ugh.

so for my last week in greenville..im resorting back to the faithful bike..even though the winter weather has arrived.

i'll be looking into a better parking pass too for next semester.

so unfair..

i hear its a blistering 28 degrees and quasi snowing in Dallas..and whats the weather like in Greenville, NC?

windy, raining, and a high of 80 degrees


(11 more days til i cross the TX border-can you tell i can't wait?)

back to reading research...
