yea for answered prayers...i'm the South Knoll Head Start Bilingual teaching assistant until March 10th!
for real..its the perfect job for me..the Lord is so good!
grace & peace,
my posting hasnt been as much as i wouldve liked the past couple weeks...but i have some free time so its a good opp..
anyways, i've started subbing for College Station ISD and the Lord has really blessed it! i've landed a quasi-regular job in the head start bilingual class at south knoll elementary; which equals 19 little 4-5yr old hispanic kids running around and telling me i dont speak very good spanish..which is true because i'm a whole lot rusty. but its completely up my ally: kids and spanish all in one job!
half marathon training is going okay...ive gotten shin splints so its a couple days off for me, which the timing is kinda good with my allergies..with the cold weather and tree pollen at its hype, my head feels like its gonna explode, so i really dont feel like running. hopefully this weekend i'll get the big 10 mile in.
PTL-the Lord has provided a leaser for my apt in brenham starting march 1st...whoohoo! such a confirmation that i did make the "right" decision. i dont have to pay any extra rent!
i'm comtemplating plans for spring break...any suggestions? for real..i have a full week of nothing to do and i dont wanna be in CS for all of it....some sort of a road trip is an option
being back in cs is definitely different...i'm like the new kid in a place thats been my home for the past 10 yrs...i've joined a logos group that i'm really enjoying. getting into a routine and forming my "social network" has been harded than i thought it would the whole single-not in college-but dont wanna join the singles group.
thats about it on the homefront.
grace & peace,
so what i was going to write in this post didnt happen, maybe the Spirit's conviction about my attitude; refining is such a good part of my life...cause without it, i'd be out of control...anyways; heres what i got..PTL that we are saved by grace through faith, and its not of ourselves, but a gift of God..
currently I am:
glad its friday in 45 minutes
really excited i'm going to DFW this weekend
letting the Lord really teach me and show me why i'm back at home
exhausted from my swim tonight
sad that the co-ed softball team didnt form
thankful that in the midst of lameness, i have purpose
learning how to walk with the Lord in ALL my steps, not just the big ones, but the ones that seem insignificant
grace & peace,